I am a chocolate Lover!

Are you?

It is the middle of winter here in Europe and what is often our ‘go to’ comfort drink when it is super cold or even snowing outside is HOT CHOCOLATE!

Therefore, it was essential that I found a way to indulge my senses, please my family, but ensure we were having health supporting treats rather than junk.

Thereby let me share with you my:


Healthy Gut Loving Hot Chocolate

 Recipe: Makes 2 cups



  • Almond mylk or your favourite nut mylk- I usually either make my own recipe here, or purchase an organic one

  • 2 x Separated organic egg yolks- I save the whites for later and add in an omelette mix, as they need to be cooked thoroughly. *Note: whites are toxic if uncooked.

  • 4 Tablespoons of organic cacao powder

  • 1 Tablespoon of grass fed collagen- learn why I use this here

  • 1 teaspoon of  natural sweetener eg: maple syrup, honey or 3 drops of stevia – (optional)

Healthy hot chocolate
Gut Loving Hot Chocolate


  • Pour the mylk into a pot and start to warm on low heat

  • Add the egg yolks and begin to whisk in gently

  • Add the cacao powder and continue to whisk

  • While gently whisking, slowly pour in the collagen powder

  • Add natural sweetener eg. maple syrup, stevia, or honey

  • Stir all together and then pour into your favourite mug


With love, Jodie xx

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