Your Trainer:
Meet Iain Behr, founder & owner of Behr Movement.
Iain is a highly qualified functional trainer, incredible partner to Julie, father to Arlo and a truely genuine guy who, I am proud to call my friend.
He has kindly gifted you 2x FREE Mummy workouts featured below which you can easily do outdoors or in the comfort of your own home.
Take a moment to check in to see how you are feeling…..
- Are you hydrated?
- Have you any aches, niggles you need to be mindful of?
- How are your energy levels? -Give yourself a score out of 5. 1= exhausted, 5= full of energy.
- Is this the right exercise for me in this moment?
Darling, please know you are responsible for your own health.
If you have any health conditions, haven’t exercised in a while, had surgery, a c-section etc. Please ensure you have received the ‘all clear’ from your health professional before starting something new.
Recommended Sets & Reps
Remember the score you gave yourself out of 5? Keeping this in mind, pick the amount suitable for you.
- Feeling GREAT = 3 sets of 12
- Feeling OK = 2 sets of 8 to 10
- Feeling flat or a beginner = 1 set of 8 to15
Reps= is the number of times you perform a specific exercise
Sets = is the number of cycles of reps that you complete.
- Slip into something you can move comfortably in
- Place your favourite ‘tunes’ on- I too have provided my playlists to start with in case you haven’t any right away, saving you time and for inspiration 😉
Happy Movement beautiful
- Tip: Note your score out of 5 before the workout, score your ‘energy’ and ‘feeling’ again post workout and note any differences 🙂
Need or want an individualised program?
Note that the two programs provided although are created with your best interest at heart may not be 100% suitable for everyone. Feel free to chat with Iain have you any questions or would like a tailored program specific to your needs via his social channels or via his website: